
The blog is solely for entertainment purpose. Contents may or may not be true. The information, videos and other content is based on gossips, news, rumors and information from other websites.
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mmm2012 said...


In this section we place announcements and contacts of those managers who are ready to help our newcomers to become members and to learn all the important things each ten manager should know. Future ten managers! You are welcome to choose any teacher from the list! :-))

Current administrators: thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, etc.! If you want to be on this list and to teach new ten managers, mmmindia.in@gmail.com, mmm@mmm2012.co.in for Global, mmmindia.in@gmail.com, mmm@mmm2012.co.in For Indian. The subject is SCHOOL.

Attention! You are forbidden to gain new ten managers over! (Upon penalty of death. :-))

registration is done to these addresses


fill in the registration form and send to the address
E-mail: mmmindia.in@gmail.com, mmm@mmm2012.co.in

hhuji7 said...

nyc working

Ujwalamsal said...
